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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Contoh Unnecessary Prepositions Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Apa itu Unnecessary prepositions dalam bahasa Inggris? Melanjutkan bahasan yang terdahulu, tentang penggunaan preposisi (prepositions) dalam bahasa Inggris, kita akan memberikan beberapa contoh kalimat yang tidak memerlukan preposisi. Berikut contoh unnecessary prepositions yang sering kita gunakan.

Answer: menjawab
Salah: Please, answer to my question.
Benar: Please, answer my question.
Perkecualian: The answer to that question was rong.

Approach: mendekat
Salah: The thieves approached to that house.
Benar: The thieves approached that house.

Ask: bertanya
Salah: The students asked to the teacher about it.
Benar: The students asked the teacher about it.

Comprise: terdiri dari
Salah: This book comprises of chapters.
Benar: This book comprises chapters.

Enter: masuk, memasuki
Salah: They entered into the hall.
Benar: They entered the hall.

Leave: meninggalkan, berangkat dari
Salah: We left from London last week.
Benar: We left London last week.

Reach: tiba, sampai
Salah: We reached at the city at night.
Benar: We reached the city at night.

Tell: menyuruh, mengatakan
Salah: We told to him to go at once.
Benar: We told him to go at once.

Inside: di dalam
Salah: They went inside of the room.
Benar: They went inside the room.

Promise: berjanji
Salah: I promised to her I would come.
Benar: I promised her I would come.

Behind: di belakang
Salah: The man hid behind of the large tree.
Benar: The man hid behind the large tree.

Outside: di luar
Salah: Five men are standing outside of the building.
Benar: Five men are standing outside the building.

Contoh lain:

He left without saying anything.
Instead of studying, he went to the movie.
We prevented her from going there alone.
She objected to going with him.
The students kept on talking although the teacher had asked them to stop.
He got difficulty in doing it.
By working hard, we will get a success.

Baca disini untuk artikel terkait sebelumnya.

Kita bisa membandingkan dari kalimat diatas, contoh unnecessary prepositions dalam bahasa Inggris, dimana banyak kata yang tidah butuh penggunaan prepositions dalam suatu kalimat. Terima-kasih, selamat belajar!

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