Contoh incorrect omissions of prepositions. Melanjutkan dari tulisan yang lalu, akan kami memberikan contoh incorrect omissions of prepositions (preposisi) yang sering digunakan dalam sebuah kalimat. Prepositions sering kali salah tempat atau tidak tepat dengan kata yang diikutinya. Dalam bahasa Inggris ada prepositions yang tetap dan tidak boleh diganti dengan yang lain. Kita simak contoh incorrect omissions of prepositions berikut ini.
ask for (something): meminta sesuatu
Salah: He came and asked me money.
Benar: He came and asked me for money.
dispose of (something): menjual, membuang (sampah)
Salah: The man will dispose all his property.
Benar: The man will dispose of all his property.
dream of (something or someone): memimpikan
Salah: Young men always dream glory and riches.
Benar: Young men always dream of glory and riches.
Salah: I always dream him.
Benar: I always dream of him.
explain to (someone): menjelaskan kepada
Salah: The teacher explained the students the lesson.
Benar: The teacher explained the lesson to the students.
knock at the door: mengetuk pintu
Salah: Who is knocking the door?
Benar: Who is knocking at the door?
listen to (someone or something): mendengarkan
Salah: Father is listening the music.
Benar: Father is listening to the music.
Please, listen to me.
pay for (something): membayar.
Salah: How much did you pay the new car?
Benar: How much did you pay for the new car?
point to (someone or something): menunjuk(kan)
Salah: He pointed me his photographs.
Benar: He pointed to me his photographs.
Salah: The teacher pointed the map on the wall.
Benar: The teacher pointed to the map on the wall.
remind a person of (something or someone): mengingatkan
Salah: Please, remind me it later.
Benar: Please, remind me of it later.
reply to (someone): menjawab
Salah: She hasn't replied me yet.
Benar: She hasn't replied to me yet.
search for (something/someone): mencari
Salah: They are searching the ball.
Benar: They are searching for the ball.
Salah: The Police have been searching the thief all weeks.
Benar: The Police have been searching for the thief all weeks.
share with (someone): membagi
Salah: Share your brother the cake.
Benar: Share the cake with your brother.
speak to (someone): berbicara kepada
Salah: I will speak him about that matter.
Benar: I will speak to him about that matter.
supply (someone with something): menyediakan
Salah: Can you supply me I need?
Benar: Can you supply me with all I need?
think of (someone or something): memikirkan, mengingat
Salah: I always think her.
Benar: I always think of her.
wait for (someone or something): menunggu, menanti
Salah: I will wait you here.
Benar: I will wait for you here.
Salah: We are waiting your reply immediately.
Benar: We are waiting for your reply immediately.
wish for (something): mengharapkan, menginginkan
Salah: I don't wish any reward.
Benar: I don't wish for any reward.
write to (someone): bersurat kepada
Salah: I never write her.
Benar: I never write to her.
perkecualian: I never write her any letter.
Itulah beberapa contoh incorrect omissions of prepositions, juga penggunaan prepositions yang benar/tepat. Kita jumpa lagi dilain kesempatan.
Penggunaan-kata-depan-dalam-bahasa inggris