Bagaimana penggunaan kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris yang benar, kesalahan- kesalahan umum yang sering terjadi, bentuk tenses yang digunakan, auxiliaries + bare infinitive akan kita bahas di edisi kali ini. Contoh kalimat menggunakan simple past tense, Present, present perfect, present continuous, dan sebagainya. Penggunaan Kata Kerja yang sering confused.
Simple Past Tense
I went to Jakarta yesterday.
I didn't go to Jakarta yesterday.
Did you go to Jakarta yesterday?
Dalam past tense, kata kerja bentuk ke II digunakan untuk semua subyek.
Past tense dalam bentuk negatif dan pertanyaan, menggunakan kata kerja bantu did dan kata kerja utama kembali ke bentuk I (infinitive).
Simple Present Tense
Iwan goes to school every morning.
Iwan doesn't goes to school every morning.
Does Iwan go to school every morning?
Dalam Simple Present, kata kerja dalam orang ke III tunggal (He, She, It, Iwan, father etc) ditambah s atau es.
Dalam simple Present orang ke III tunggal, bentuk negatif dan pertanyaan menggunakan kata kerja bantu does, dan kata kerja utama kembali ke bentuk I.
My father can speak French.
You may go home now.
We must study harder.
Auxiliaries (kata kerja bantu) seperti can, may, must, shall, will, should etc , diikuti Bare Infinitive (bentuk dasar kata kerja) untuk semua subyek.
be able to: mampu
We should be able to speak English before going abroad.
We must be able to finish that work in time.
He will be able to speak English fluently if he practises regularly.
The child has been able to abroad.
Be able to digunakan sebagai pengganti can.
Present Perfect Tense
Father has left for abroad.
We have been happy since he came.
We have lived in this house since 1980.
I have been working for this company since I Graduated from senior high school.
She has been ill since last week.
Dalam present perfect tense, keterangan waktu tertentu seperti yesterday, last night, last week, this morning etc tidak perlu disebutkan.
Since selalu didahului oleh present perfect.
Present Continuous Tense
Salah: I am understanding the lesson now.
Benar: I understand the lesson now.
Salah: I am knowing his address.
Benar: I know his address.
Salah: I am always remembering him.
Benar: I always remember him.
Sejumlah kata kerja yang tidak dapat dinyatakan dalam Present continuous tense antara lain: remember, forget, know, believe, like, love, belong, prefer, consist, mean, hear, see, taste, smell, etc.
Tense setelah (wish, if only, as if)
wish: menginginkan, mengharapkan.
I wish I knew more about English.
Iwan wishes he could speak English.
if only: sekiranya.
If only I knew his address.
If only he were here this moment.
as if: seolah-olah
The baby laughed as if he understood what the mother said.
you can behave as if you were my boss.
Wish, if only, as if + past tense untuk pernyatakan sekarang (present) dan apabila terdapat to be maka digunakan WERE untuk semua subyek ( I were, you were, He were, She were, we were they were, etc).
contoh lain:
I wish he were here this time (he isn't here this time)
If only I were a millionaire (Iam not a millionaire).
He behaves as if he were a boss (He is not a boss).
Past form (bentuk lampau) wish & if only
We wish we had seen him last week.
If only he had been here yesterday.
wish, if only + past perfect tense digunakan dalam pernyataan masa lampau.
contoh lain:
I wish you had told him about that matter.
(You didn't tell him about that matter).
If only the weather had been fine yesterday.
(The weather was bad yesterday).
Mungkin cukup sekian dahulu bahasan edisi kali ini, Kesalahan Umum Penggunaan Kata Kerja dan akan kita sambung di lain kesempatan di edisi berikutnya.
Thank You, I learn a lot