google-site-verification: googlea9a7bb945be0257d.html Jagad-enjang: Penggunaan " BE " Dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Penggunaan " BE " Dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris

Beberapa contoh penggunaan BE + KATA SIFAT, THERE + BE, THERE + MAY/MUST + BE (HAVE BEEN). Kita perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut, penggunaan BE yang sering kita temui dalam sebuah kalimat. Kita harus berhati-hati dalam membedakan kata sifat dan kata kerja. Bandingan kalimat berikut, penggunaan BE dengan kata lain yang mengikutinya.


I'm worried.
He's nervous.
It will be interesting.
The dinner was very nice.

Membedakan kata sifat dan kata kerja:

Adjective                       Verb
I'm worried.                   I worried about him last year.
She's successful.            She succeeded in her work.
She's bored.                   That program bored her (membosankan)


Deny: I'm nervous about the physics exam.
John: Be calm, like Iwan. Don't be nervous (tenanglah, seperti Iwan, jangan gugup)
Deny: Oh, it's raining and I've got to drive to town.
Vera: Yes, Be careful, Den. The roads will be wet.
Deny: Don't be so nervous, Vera. I've driven on wet roads before.


Iwan: There's a lot of traffic this morning, isn't there?
John: Yes, there is.
Bert: Are there any biscuits for morning tea, Jane?
Jane: Yes, there are some in the tin.


Bert: Did you hear a noise?
Jane: Yes, there may be someone outside.

John: Look at all those people standing in the middle of the road.
Bert: There must be something wrong. (tentu ada sesuatu yang terjadi/tidak beres)
John: There's a police car coming now.
Bert: There must have been an accident, then. (tentu ada kecelakaan)


Iwan: There's a man standing beside the road.
John: Yes, and there are some people arguing, too.
Iwan: Is there anyone waiting to see Mr Smart?
John: Yes, I can see a few people waiting. There are about five people waiting, I think.

Sekian materi yang kita bahas kali ini tentang Penggunaan " BE " Dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris, selamat belajar.

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